Preventing Pipes from Freezing in Your Condo
As property managers and local Bostonians, Peacock Properties is always on the lookout for ways we can help our condominium owners and neighbors prevent mishaps in and around their property throughout the year. However, it is our unpredictable New England winter that is perhaps the most “eventful” season for owners.
When the temperature does a nosedive, which it often does over the course of the winter, your pipes are the most susceptible to freeze and burst – especially pipes in older buildings, which are fairly common in Boston. The good news is that with a little knowledge, you can prevent this potentially costly misfortune from happening to you.
Pipes burst when an icy blockage forms causing a buildup of water pressure inside. And, when that pipe bursts, it can send gallons of water pouring into your home, causing thousands of dollars in damage to your ceilings, walls, floors, and basically everything you own and love. Knowing how to prevent this from happening is the best way to protect your home from this winter weather nuisance.
While we wish we could go door to door to check all the pipes in every single owner’s unit, we can share some excellent tips on how to prevent frozen pipes from one of our insurance partners, The Hanover.