Contact Peacock Properties
Interested in scheduling a meeting with the experienced Peacock Properties team? Have a question about our unique property management services? Whatever you are in search of, we are happy to help. Contact us today to speak with a member of our team.
Peacock Properties LLC
One Thompson Square, Suite 405
Charlestown, MA, 02129
617-600-6355 | Email:
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday (8:30-4:30)
Friday (8:30-2:00)
Client Resources
- Are you a current client looking for a bit more support, need your password reset for our online portal, or have a generic question for our operations staff? Our committed service team is available to assist you with whatever you may need.
- Have a specific question, comment or concern for our experienced accountant? Contact our experienced financial team for guidance, advice, expert answers and more.
- Selling or refinancing your condo and looking for a 6-D certificate or completed condo questionnaire? Place your secure order here.